The Horse-head nebulae (Barnard 33) - HOO
One of the most indetifieable nebulas on the night-sky is “The horse-head neubulae” in the Orion constellation, which is part of an inmense molecular dark cloud. Also known as Barnard 33 the peculiar shape was first recognized during the 1800’s. The red glow is due to the hidrógeno gas being ionized by the star behind the cloud known as Sigma Orionis. The dark area around the head is mostly due to a thick layer of dust in the head area. Streams of gas coming out of the nebula are channelled by a magnetic field. Some of the bright spots at the base are actually new borned stars. Barnard 33 is 1500 light years away from earth. With regards to this image it was taken with 2 filters Hydrogen and Oxygen filters combining Red(HA) with Green(OIII) and Blue also the OIII filter, this composite also known as HOO See another composite (SHO in related images).
The Horse Head Nebulae in HOO