Close to the Heart…

7500 light years away from my backyard, this emission nebula gets its name due to the shape being similar to a human heart, hence “The heart nebula” or designation IC1805. The glow comes form the ionization of Hydrogen and Oxygen in the area being lit by the nearby stars.. Around the center there are stars that are 50 times larger and more massive that our sun. In this picture the composition was one with the Hidrogen Alpha Filter mapped as Red and the Oxigen filter mapped to both Green and Blue channels, producing a more closer appearance real if you where able to see it with just your eyes.

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Todo comienza con una idea. Tal vez quieras comenzar un negocio o convertir un pasatiempo en algo más. O bien, es posible que tengas un proyecto creativo para compartir con el mundo. Sea lo que sea, la manera en la que cuentes tu historia en línea puede marcar la diferencia.


The Heart Nebula in SHO pallette (IC1805)


The Flaming Star nebula in HOO(IC405)